Choke algorithm Made Easy and A step-by-step guide with Nginx implementation

Nkugwa Mark William
3 min readOct 21, 2023


Title: Choke algorithm: A step-by-step guide with Nginx implementation

The choke algorithm is a technique used to prevent deadlock in distributed systems. It works by preventing a node from acquiring too many resources. Deadlock is a situation where two or more processes are waiting for each other to finish, and neither process can finish. This can happen when two processes are both waiting for the same resource, such as a file or a database lock.

The choke algorithm works by putting a limit on the number of resources that a node can acquire. When a node wants to acquire a resource, it first checks to see if it has already acquired the maximum number of resources. If it has, the node will wait until it releases a resource before acquiring a new one. This prevents the node from acquiring too many resources and causing a deadlock.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how the choke algorithm works:

  1. A node wants to acquire a resource.
  2. The node checks to see if it has already acquired the maximum number of resources.
  3. If the node has already acquired the maximum number of resources, it waits until it releases a resource before acquiring a new one.
  4. If the node has not acquired the maximum number of resources, it acquires the resource.
  5. The node uses the resource and then releases it when it is finished.

Here is an analogy to help you understand the choke algorithm:

Imagine that you are at a restaurant, and you want to order a meal. You go to the counter and tell the cashier what you want. The cashier then gives you a ticket, and you go to the kitchen to wait for your meal.

The kitchen has a limited number of resources, such as stoves and pots. If too many people try to order meals at once, the kitchen will become overwhelmed and the food will take longer to cook.

To prevent this from happening, the kitchen uses a choke algorithm. When you give your ticket to the kitchen staff, they will check to see if there are any resources available. If there are no resources available, they will put your ticket in a queue. When a resource becomes available, the kitchen staff will take the ticket from the queue and cook your meal.

The choke algorithm is similar to the way that the choke algorithm works in distributed systems. When a node wants to acquire a resource, it first checks to see if there are any resources available. If there are no resources available, the node will be put in a queue. When a resource becomes available, the node will be taken from the queue and the resource will be allocated to the node.

How to implement the choke algorithm with Nginx

Nginx is a load balancer that can be used to implement the choke algorithm. To implement the choke algorithm with Nginx, you can use the proxy_pass directive with the limit_req modifier.

For example, the following configuration would limit the number of concurrent connections to the backend server at to 100:

proxy_pass limit_req burst=100 nodelay;

The limit_req directive creates a queue for the backend server. When a client tries to connect to the backend server, Nginx will check the queue to see if there are any resources available. If there are no resources available, the client will be put in the queue. When a resource becomes available, Nginx will take a client from the queue and connect it to the backend server.

The burst parameter specifies the maximum number of connections that can be processed before Nginx starts queuing connections. The nodelay parameter specifies that Nginx should not delay processing requests while it is waiting for resources to become available.

You can also use the limit_req directive to limit the number of concurrent requests for a specific URI. For example, the following configuration would limit the number of concurrent requests for the /api/users URI to 100:

limit_req zone=api/users burst=100 nodelay;

This would prevent the backend server from being overloaded with requests for the /api/users URI.

The choke algorithm is a powerful tool for preventing deadlock in distributed systems. It is relatively simple to implement with Nginx, and it can be used to limit the number of concurrent connections or requests for a specific URI.



Nkugwa Mark William

Nkugwa Mark William is a Chemical and Process engineer , entrepreneur, software engineer and a technologists with Apps on google play store and e commerce sites